Wednesday 15 February 2017

How to name the domain?

How to name the domain?

If we can put the SEO keyword that related to our business is great. 
If you didn't find the good one and have no idea how to name the domain. 
This article is best suite s for you.

If we observe the Most of the successful companies like
1. microsoft
2. google
3. yahoo
4. twitter
5. facebook
6. netflix
7. infosys
8. wipro
9. salesforce

Common criteria of above names
1. easy to type
2. be memorable
3. pronounceable
4. two word pronunciation
  micro soft
  goo gle
  ya hoo
  twi tter
  face book
  net flix
  info sys
  wi pro
  sales force 

5. keep it short
  four letters to ten letter max.

To get the above common properties & to get the unique name I wrote the small snippet which prints the random name' s.

package hack.test.others;

import java.util.Random;

/** * Created by suresh on 14/2/17. */public class DomainSearch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Random rand=new Random();
        int max=122;
        int min=97;

        int vowelMax=4;
        int vowelMin=0;

        char arr[]={'a','e','i','o','u'};
        for(int i=1;i<=1000;i++){
